How To Make Your Penis Bigger...

Penis size is a sensitive issue for many men and penis enlargement is a big business. But, before you try the numerous products on the market promising to make your penis bigger, know the facts and beware of false techniques.

The most effective penis enlargement product on the market to day is probably the Penis Extender Device.

These have been around for a number of years now and can be very effective. One of the best known is the ProExtender system that comes with a traction unit, herbal penis enlargement pills, herbal semen enhancing pills and an exercise cd.

But the question is do you really need these devices? After all the prime purpose of your penis for your woman is to give her pleasure. And as far as 90% of women are concerned the perfect penis is about 6 inches in length and the diameter of a polish sausage. Interestingly, sex toys manufacturers find their best selling dildo is about this size, too.

And believe it or not but the vast majority of men have a penis in that range. Still, the whole male race tend to lose all sense of reality when it comes to the big fellah. The bigger it is the more manly they feel. It is small wonder then that more and more of them turn to all kinds of penis enhancement methods. From the surgeon's scalpel to self-treatment methods, all to achieve the goal of a bigger penis. Many of these methods can bring about the desired effect, but their effectiveness and safety may be very different.

And here's something else to bear in mind. The size of your dick bears no relation to sexual pleasure.

Being a sensitive, considerate lover is more likely to make your partner's eyes water. Touching, cuddling and foreplay will impress and satisfy your lady much more that just having a large penis.

Here's a couple of easy ways to make your penis look bigger.

Simply cut down your pubic hair, or shave it completely. This will reveal more of your genitals. All that undergrowth could be hiding a vital inch!

Look at your weight - men with beer bellies or who are generally overweight often lose sight of their fellah completely. The more fatty tissue you're carrying around the abdomen and thighs, the more likely it is that your penis will seem to shrink. It's an optical illusion, but a determined weight reduction program could help you see your penis in a new light.

The bottom line is stop watching bigcock porn and wake up to reality. Keep yourself healthy, eat good food, quit smoking, do regular exercises and if you must, take safe herbal pills such as VigRX Plus and you'll be all right.