just before extenders

Before embarking on any penis extender program, it is pertinent to carry out thorough self examination as well as exhaustive evaluation of the possible reasons, motives both physical and psychological as well as possible fallouts and repercussions of your planned course of action. Penis enlargement can be really rewarding or seemingly unsatisfactory largely depending on the individual, his partner, his peculiar circumstances as well as the chosen mode of treatment. Penis enlargement need not be unsatisfactory if a realistic assessment of your condition is made as well as realistic expectations anticipated.
For most folks the question whether their manhood is sufficiently large is essentially a psychological one. Most men in their 20's and 30's having seen larger dicks in the locker room at a young age, usually, though, illogically feel theirs is smaller, no matter how old they become. The sight of a physically larger manhood being burned into their consciousness, they become plagued with feelings of inadequacy, refusing to see that an age difference of 5 to 6 years during adolescence or puberty represents a very long span in the human development cycle.

Some other folks who are exposed to pornography sometimes compare themselves with porn stars, forgetting that they are the exception, not the rule. it is well known that a good number of these stars resort to various bodily enhancements both safe and some outrightly harmful in order to remain relevant in their industry. These facts do not register mentally with some men leading them to ignorantly desire large penis sizes. they say; "if his is so massive, why not mine"; being oblivious ofcourse to whatever enhancements such stars have undergone.

Quite a number of men also fear not being able to satisfy their partners due to their perceived small sized manhoods. Recent research seems to suggest that this might actually be a faulty insinuation. Most women rate attention, emotional affection and forepaly far ahead of penis size in the attainment of a satisfying sex life. If such men could honestly and openly discuss their sex life with their partners, they would most likely find they do not need to embark on any expensive enlargement programs or spend hundreds of dollars on pills and devices promising magical cures to problems which are non-existent in the first place.

Many men also equate a large manhood with high libido, an absence of sexual ills like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, and the enjoyment of a prolific sex life. They cannot be more wrong. A large manhood does not in anyway translate into high libido. The factors affecting and sustaining high sexual energy are not in anyway related to an increased manhood size. Also sexual ills such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction affect men of all ages regardless of manhood size. Recent research seems to suggest that women might prefer a wider penis as opposed to a longer penis, but then a lot of other factors have been rated more important by women than overall penis size.

These and more are some of the more common psychological misconceptions men often hold as a justification for organ enhancement. if your reason or reasons are similar to those mentioned above, then it is strongly advised that you seek further medical counsel before embarking on organ enhancement. Depending on the type of organ enhancement solution you choose, the result might be unpleasant and sometimes unsatisfactory yet expensive. You therefore need to assess yourself properly in light of these highlighted points to see if you qualify.

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